The Dignified Dog - Terms of Service

I understand that participating in training sessions and activities are not without risk to myself, dogs, property, or other people. I assume the risk of any and all damage or injury incurred to any person, animal, or property as a result of a dog training session conducted by or on behalf of my trainer, Stephanie McSween. I agree to pardon and hold harmless Stephanie McSween and any other parties associated with any service provided. I agree that I have hired Stephanie McSween, as a training professional, to determine which tools are necessary to help me train my dog. I understand that I will obtain the best training results by following the instructions of Stephanie McSween as a trainer. I further understand that I am responsible for the training of my dog. I agree to make known any and all training, behavioral, and health problems or concerns at the time of registration and agree to assume all responsibility for the actions of my dog(s) at the time of service and in the future. Stephanie McSween is not responsible for any injury to or destruction of any person, animal or property at the time of service or in the future. I understand and agree that if attending day training, my dog may be placed in a kennel for periods of time during the day to allow for rest and downtime. I understand that dogs are animals and even in the most controlled and well supervised environments, they may engage in inappropriate animal behaviour. This includes, but is not limited to, rough playing, nipping, aggression, and dog bites. I further understand that although Stephanie McSween closely monitors dog socialization and play to prevent injury, it is possible that my dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from other dogs. I agree that Stephanie McSween may use “corrections” to interrupt and/or stop my dog’s inappropriate behaviour. Such corrections include, but are not limited to, the use of spray bottles of water and compressed air canisters.  I understand that the degree to which training is successful is a function of the interest, commitment, and cooperation of the owner. I acknowledge and agree that there is no guarantee that my dog will achieve the desired level of training despite the best efforts of the trainer. I agree to pay all fees at the time requested, and that there will be no refunds. I understand that if I must cancel or reschedule an appointment, that I must provide 24 hours advance notice. I understand that it is my responsibility to read/watch any literature or material provided by Stephanie McSween or by the manufacturers of any products used in my dog’s training. I understand that although Stephanie McSween has successfully trained aggressive dogs, there are no guarantees that aggression will completely recede with training. I agree that if my dog has displayed or continues to display aggression toward other dogs and/or people, it is my responsibility to muzzle my dog and to avoid potential problem situations at all times, not solely during training sessions. I agree that in the event my dog engages in an act of aggression toward another dog or person while participating in training, Stephanie McSween may, in her sole discretion, use reasonable physical force to interrupt and stop the aggression. I further agree that I am solely responsible, financially or otherwise, for any harm or damage to other dogs, persons, and/or property arising out of my dog’s behaviour. I agree to allow Stephanie McSween to photograph and/or videotape my dog for use in print, publication, and promotion of her business. I agree that I have been informed of the risks associated with dog training and have assumed the risk of my dog’s attendance and participation in training with Stephanie McSween. I agree that Stephanie McSween has permission to take photos/videos of my dog during training sessions for educational and promotional purposes.


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